What is Dry needling (Myofascial Trigger Point Dry Needling) is the use of solid filiform needles (also referred to as acupuncture needles) for therapy of muscle pain, including pain related to myofascial pain syndrome.
Dry Needling involves the insertion of these thin filament needle to stimulate the healing process of soft tissues (muscle "trigger points", fascia, tendons and ligaments, etc) resulting in pain relief and restoration of healthy physiology. Trigger points commonly form following prolonged poor posture, injuries, degenerative processes, stress & overuse. Research supports that dry needling improves pain control, reduces muscle tension, normalizes biochemical and electrical dysfunction of motor endplates, and facilitates an accelerated return to active rehabilitation.
What is a "trigger point"?
A myofascial "trigger point" is a hyperirritable point in skeletal muscle that is associated with a hypersensitive palpable nodule, or “knot”. This area becomes painful at the site and can also “radiate” in predictable patterns.
What is the difference between Dry Needling and Acupuncture?
The objectives and philosophy behind the use of dry needling by western practitioners is not based on ancient theories or tenets of traditional Chinese medicine. The performance of modern dry needling by Chiropractors is based on western neuroanatomy and modern scientific study of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
Both Dry Needling and Acupuncture do, however, use the same tool; a solid needle filament.
Does it hurt?
Generally, the insertion of the needle is not felt. The local "twitch response" may provoke a brief pain sensation that has been described as a tingling, aching or cramping sensation.
Who can benefit from Dry Needling?
A variety of musculoskeletal problems including, but not limited to: Acute/Chronic injuries, Headaches, Neck/Back pain, Tendinitis, Muscle Spasms, "Sciatica", Hip/Knee pain, Muscle strains, Fibromyalgia, "Tennis/Golfer's Elbow", PFPS,Overuse injuries, etc.
• Achilles Tedonitis
• Shin Splits
• Plantar Fasciitis (Foot Pain)
• IT Band Syndrome
• Hamstring Strain
Neck and Shoulder Pain
• Disk and Nerve Problems
• Neck Pain
• Migraines/Headaches
• Rotator Cuff
• Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
• Upper Back and Shoulder
Low Back and Hip Pain
• Low Back Pain
• Herniated or Bulging Disc
• Hip Bursitis
• Sciatica
• Stenosis
• Scoliolis
Dry needling helps to accelerate healing by allowing for increased circulation to the injured area, improved oxygen delivery, and stimulation of the neural pathways that can block pain messages as they travel from your central nervous system to your muscles. When combined with the appropriate strengthening or stabilization exercises and biomechanical adjustments, dry needling can help to alleviate both chronic and muscular disorders.
Are there any side effects to Dry Needling?
Side effects may vary among individuals. Typically, only mild muscle soreness or skin bruising.
Is Dry Needling covered by my health insurance?
At this point it is a fee or cash based service provided only by a licensed Chiropractic, however a few insurances are covering and more more every year.
Dry Needling involves the insertion of these thin filament needle to stimulate the healing process of soft tissues (muscle "trigger points", fascia, tendons and ligaments, etc) resulting in pain relief and restoration of healthy physiology. Trigger points commonly form following prolonged poor posture, injuries, degenerative processes, stress & overuse. Research supports that dry needling improves pain control, reduces muscle tension, normalizes biochemical and electrical dysfunction of motor endplates, and facilitates an accelerated return to active rehabilitation.
What is a "trigger point"?
A myofascial "trigger point" is a hyperirritable point in skeletal muscle that is associated with a hypersensitive palpable nodule, or “knot”. This area becomes painful at the site and can also “radiate” in predictable patterns.
What is the difference between Dry Needling and Acupuncture?
The objectives and philosophy behind the use of dry needling by western practitioners is not based on ancient theories or tenets of traditional Chinese medicine. The performance of modern dry needling by Chiropractors is based on western neuroanatomy and modern scientific study of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
Both Dry Needling and Acupuncture do, however, use the same tool; a solid needle filament.
Does it hurt?
Generally, the insertion of the needle is not felt. The local "twitch response" may provoke a brief pain sensation that has been described as a tingling, aching or cramping sensation.
Who can benefit from Dry Needling?
A variety of musculoskeletal problems including, but not limited to: Acute/Chronic injuries, Headaches, Neck/Back pain, Tendinitis, Muscle Spasms, "Sciatica", Hip/Knee pain, Muscle strains, Fibromyalgia, "Tennis/Golfer's Elbow", PFPS,Overuse injuries, etc.
• Achilles Tedonitis
• Shin Splits
• Plantar Fasciitis (Foot Pain)
• IT Band Syndrome
• Hamstring Strain
Neck and Shoulder Pain
• Disk and Nerve Problems
• Neck Pain
• Migraines/Headaches
• Rotator Cuff
• Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
• Upper Back and Shoulder
Low Back and Hip Pain
• Low Back Pain
• Herniated or Bulging Disc
• Hip Bursitis
• Sciatica
• Stenosis
• Scoliolis
Dry needling helps to accelerate healing by allowing for increased circulation to the injured area, improved oxygen delivery, and stimulation of the neural pathways that can block pain messages as they travel from your central nervous system to your muscles. When combined with the appropriate strengthening or stabilization exercises and biomechanical adjustments, dry needling can help to alleviate both chronic and muscular disorders.
Are there any side effects to Dry Needling?
Side effects may vary among individuals. Typically, only mild muscle soreness or skin bruising.
Is Dry Needling covered by my health insurance?
At this point it is a fee or cash based service provided only by a licensed Chiropractic, however a few insurances are covering and more more every year.